Dragonquest (Dragonriders of Pern #2)

Dragonquest - Anne McCaffrey The Pern books are technically science fiction, set on a lost colony of Earth, but it's often found on fantasy lists, for here be dragons. Although I lost interest in the series with its later books the original trilogy and the Harper Hall trilogy set in the same universe remain favorites I've reread more than once. (If you haven't already, you should read the first book, Dragonflight, before reading Dragonquest.) Part of the reason I love the early Pern novels is that McCaffrey sets up an intriguing world with its fighting dragons bonded to their riders. Part of it is that McCaffrey makes you care about the characters: Lessa, F'Nor, F'Lar, Brekke (Some of the most moving lump-in-throat episodes concern her in this novel.) Oh, and I'd say F'Nor's dragon Canth certainly is one of the most endearing. This isn't the kind of book that leaves an impression because of style or because it's thought-provoking--but because it's a wonderful escapist read with characters you love spending time with. (Except perhaps the irritatingly vapid and vain Kylara--although she does make for a great villain.)