This reminds me of that classic yet devastating complaint: short, but not short enough. Don't let the 300 pages fool you--this is a novella, not a novel, using font tricks to make you think you're paying full price for a full novel. And even for a novella, this feels padded to me. And unfortunately, the padding is all about the title character, Micah. I admit part of my prejudice against Micah is that he came with Narcissus in Chains, where I felt the series went off the rails with the ardeur. With that as a factor, it felt as if Anita was taking Micah with her as take-out. I miss Richard and Jean-Claude. I also miss the focus on a supernatural mystery, and there Micah is a bit of an improvement on the plot/porn ratio of the later books. Not by much mind you. I still felt as if this book was claustrophobically centered on Anita and Micah's hotel room.