Blood Angel

BloodAngel - Justine Musk Even though the book was a gift from a friend I let this lie on my bookshelf for years, reluctant to pick it up. The title, the cover and back blurb made this sound like hundreds of other urban fantasies complete with vampires. I was wrong. First, look ma, no vampires. Now, don't get me wrong, I rather like the creatures in many iterations from Stoker to King to Rice to Hamilton and Harris (but not Meyer.) But just how many such books are out there? And if not the bloodsuckers, well, then it's weres. No weres here either. And yes, that's a lot of what I did like. That this is not like other urban fantasies I've read and there's a really well-thought out magical system featured. This does remind me somewhat of many a Buffy episode in that there is a threatened apocalypse in the offing, but it never felt too predictable. I should warn this is of a rather dark hue of fantasy, rather violent and gory at points although within lines I could stand. It did take a bit for me to get into it, because there are several narrative strands. They eventually converge, but I found it hard in the first hundred pages to feel connected to the story and characters as the story bounced between New York City artist Jess Shepard, Minnesota teen Ramsey Doe and California musician Lucas Maddox. Each did come into focus for me eventually, but if this misses a fifth star, it's because even though the writing and world-building was strong, the characters themselves didn't pull at me emotionally. Maybe because most of them came across as too detached. (Or at least most didn't. I felt most for Ramsey, but he wasn't given enough face time to quite suck me entirely in.) But I certainly would be interested in reading more of Justine Monk and the sequel, Lord of Bones.