Like the books by Hamilton and Harris and Harrison, these are urban fantasies featuring smexy vampires and featuring a female protagonist. (Although in this case the story is told through rotating third person, not first person narration.)
In this case it's Vicky Nelson--former Toronto police officer turned private detective--and going blind. I liked Vicky's partners in her investigations very much: Her former police detective partner, Mike Celluci and Henry Fitzroy, 450 year old vampire, illegitimate son of Henry VIII--oh, and a writer of bodice-ripper historical romance novels. The three of them play off each other well.
I have a friend who put this book down from the first scene. She thought Vicky acted recklessly and stupidly. I frankly didn't notice, even though I can understand that reaction--and Vicky definitely has issues. I liked this book though. The Blood books are not particularly innovative or imaginative--these are traditional vampires. The villain in this book was one-dimensional. The prose is clean and readable though even if not extraordinary. But as urban fantasy comfort food, I found the books in this five-book series enjoyable. (There is a related trilogy focused on Tony Foster, a character in this novel, but I just didn't find him a compelling enough character to hold me.)