Man of My Dreams

Man of My Dreams - Johanna Lindsey Ugh. Where do I start? OK, first off, the premise is ridiculous: a duke in Victoria's England caught in a scandal needs to lay low for a while. So he hides on a local squire's estate as a stable boy? And brings blood stock with him to make it look like they're starting a stud farm? You know, there's this thing called the English Channel--it separates Britain from the Continent. I'd think that's where an English duke would go into hiding until things calmed down--where he could do so in style and not bedded in a stable. But then he wouldn't be where he can force a kiss on the Megan, squire's beautiful and marriageable daughter, and then when he doesn't approve of something she does, spank her as punishment. Which is where I left this book on page 204.